
发布时间: 09-28 16:52 浏览次数:486


    2017年9月25日,经过主管机构的严格评审和考察,易特科集团旗下两家公司分别获得了ISO 20000 信息技术服务管理体系和ISO27001信息安全管理服务体系的认证。ISO 20000 和ISO27001两项认证的获得,是易特科集团全体团队努力拼搏的结果,也是易特科集团信息技术创新实力再上新阶的印证,更是易特科集团进一步拓展国内外医疗信息化市场的有力保障。

    据介绍,ISO20000 是世界上第一部针对信息技术服务管理领域的国际标准,ISO20000信息技术服务管理体系标准被认为是评估IT服务管理流程的原则和基础,ISO 20000信息技术服务管理体系(ITMS)的建立,能够从总体上提高公司信息技术投资的报酬率以及综合竞争力,还能通过优化管理流程,为公司发展做更好的决策支持。ISO27001 信息安全管理实用规则ISO/IEC27001的前身为英国的BS7799标准,该标准由英国标准协会(BSI)于1995年2月提出,并于1995年5月修订而成的。ISO27001信息安全管理服务体系(ISMS)的建立,意味着公司核心业务所赖以持续的各项信息资产得到了妥善保护,并且建立有效的业务持续性计划框架,有效提升了公司的核心竞争力。


    易特科(前海安测)一直坚持走“技术引领,创新驱动”之路,非常重视新产品和新技术的研发,以及知识产权的积累和保护。公司最新知识产权数据显示,已申请/拥有各类知识产权2614项,申请专利1975项,其中发明558项、实用新型479项、外观213项,PCT 725项,申请软件著作权275项,申请注册国内外商标33项,域名13个,拥有国内国际认证65项,第三方技术先进性检索报告38项,发表论文215篇;获得授权的知识产权1263项,其中拥有授权专利640项,软件著作权271项,商标21项,域名13个,拥有国内国际认证65项,第三方技术先进性检索报告38项,发表论文215篇。根据易特科知识产权战略和未来发展规划,2017年底知识产权申请总量将超3000件。为了嘉奖易特科在技术创新方面所做的贡献,南宁市知识产权局和广东省知识产权局相继授予易特科“南宁市知识产权优势企业”和“广东省知识产权优势企业”的荣誉。国家知识产权出版社i智库发布的《全球智慧医疗行业专利发展状况研究报告》显示,易特科集团的2家子公司——南宁市前海安测信息技术有限公司、南宁市易特科信息技术有限公司在全球智慧医疗领域的专利申请排行榜中,分列世界第四、第五位,成为进入榜单前五名的仅有中国企业,是全球智慧医疗专利排名中排名最靠前中国科研机构,前三甲被飞利浦、西门子和通用电气这3家外国公司占据,清华大学和上海交大也进入全球智慧医疗专利前20强,易特科集团排名国内同行业专利第一名和第二名。此外,6月初在北京钓鱼台国宾馆的国家创新颁奖典礼上,凭借在生命IT、大健康和互联网医疗领域的杰出贡献,张贯京先生获评“2017创新中国年度领军人物”,易特科(前海安测)获评“2017创新中国十大领军企业”。

      September 25th 2017, through the competent authorities of the rigorous review and inspection, two subsidiary companies of E-Techco Group (Qianhai AnyCheck) obtained ISO 20000 information technology service management system and ISO27001 information security management service system certification. Achieving ISO 20000 and ISO27001 two certifications, is the result of all hard work of E-Techco Group. And it also shows the strength of information technology innovation of E-Techco Group. And it can give the strong support to expand the domestic and international medical informatization market.

      It is reported that ISO20000 is the world's first international standard for information technology service management. The establishment of the overall investment in information technology can not only improve the rate of return on investment and comprehensive competitiveness, but also E-techo can develop better decision through the optimization of management processes. ISO 27001 Information security management rule ISO / IEC27001 is formerly known as the British BS7799 standard. And the standard was proposed by the British Standards Association (BSI) in February 1995, and revised in May 1995. The establishment of ISO 27001 Information Security Management Service System (ISMS) means that the underlying information assets of the company's core business are properly protected and an effective business continuity plan framework is established in order to effectively enhance the core competitiveness of the company.

      E-Techco Group (Qianhai AnyCheck) is a High-Tech enterprise with 14 years R&D and service background, which focuses on “Internet & medical & health & geriatric service”, and it is in the domestic and overseas leading level of biosensor, life searching and positioning, medical informatization, health management, chronic diseases prevention, TCM preventive medicine technology provider and service practitioner. The company HQ is located in Shenzhen, with branches based in Guangzhou, Beijing, Tianjin, Xi’an, Shijiazhuang, Fuzhou, Shanghai, Hong Kong, with overseas institutes in north Ireland, American Silicon Valley, Canada Toronto and so on. In 2016, E-Techco Group turnover reached 1.2 billion, the profit year on year growth is 31.65%, and the number of health management centers owned and operated by E-Techco increased to nearly 90. It has more than 460 grade-2&class-A hospitals, grade­-3&class­-A hospitals, and all levels health and medical institutions. The market in Southern China, North China and Northwest China have been fully opened, intelligent self-help integrated machine, internet & chronic disease management, internet & emergency, internet & TCM, cloud HIS and other medical informatization products have been widely acclaimed by customers. Its business expanded to Canada, America, EU and other countries and regions.

      E-Techco has always attached great importance in self innovation ability improvement and intellectual property accumulation and protection. According to the latest intellectual property right data, E-Techco has applied 2614 all kinds of intellectual property rights, including 1975 applied patents, including 558 invention patents, 479 new utility model patents, 213 appearance patents, 725 international patents (in the form of PCT), 275 software copyrights, 33 domestic and overseas trademarks, 13 domestic and overseas domains, 65 domestic and overseas authentications, 38 third party technology advancement certifications, 215 published papers; 1263 authorized intellectual property rights, including 640 intellectual property rights authorizations, 271 software copyrights, 21 trademarks, 13 domains, 65 international certification, 38 third party technology advancement reports and 215 published papers. According the strategies and future plan of IP, IP applications of E-techo will reach more than 3000. In order to praise E-Techco's contribution in technology innovation, E-Techco was authorized “2016 Guangdong Province Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise” honor by Guangdong Provincial Intellectual Property Bureau, “Shenzhen Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise” by Shenzhen intellectual Property Bureau. In addition, in the Intellectual Property Publishing House I Think Tank newly published “The Intellectual Property Development Conditions Research Report Of Global Smart Medical Industry”, E-Techco Group’s affiliated enterprises---Qianhai AnyCheck Information Technologies Co. Ltd., E-Techco Information Technologies Co., Ltd respectively was listed in the world fourth and fifth position in the national intellectual property application ranking list in the global smart medical area. It is the only domestic enterprise entering the top 5 list, the top 3 are still occupied by the 3 overseas company Philips, Siemens, General Electric. Tsinghua University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University ranks the top 20 in the global smart medical patent area, while E-Techco Group ranks the first and second among the domestic peers in intellectual property area. In the beginning of June, in the national awarding ceremony held in Beijing Diaoyutai State Guest House, due to his brilliant contributions in Life-IT, big health and internet medical area, John Zhang was awarded “2017 Annual Innovation China Leader”, and E-Techco was awarded as “2017 Annual Innovation China 10 Leading Enterprise”.


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